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Southampton Inclusion Partnership

We are an educational partnership comprising of regional special schools, the University of Winchester and Southampton City Council, alongside other local mainstream primary and secondary partners who form our wider alliance.

Southampton Inclusion Partnership provides Training to support mainstream and special schools develop provision for pupils with SEND. Our Outreach Service provides a range of support for children and young people with SEND and behavioural needs in mainstream schools and other settings. We also provide Initial Teacher Training offering a Primary PGCE with SEND specialism.

The organisation is based at Springwell School, a community special school for primary aged children with complex learning difficulties. Ofsted judged Springwell as outstanding in its three most recent inspections.

Vision Statement

Our aims are: 

  • To provide layers of support and training to schools and settings, including early intervention, as part of a graduated approach to support. 

  • To provide support and challenge for primary and secondary schools in relation to school improvement and outcomes for pupils/students with SEND and behavioural needs. 

  • To provide a flexible outreach service that responds to the overlapping needs of the individual pupil/student and ensures early intervention. 

  • To provide a teacher training programme that meets the demand for SEND specialists within the region.

  • To increase the capacity of mainstream schools to develop high quality inclusive practice for pupils/students with SEND and behavioural needs. 

  • To increase the capacity of mainstream schools to secure and demonstrate the progress of pupils/students with SEND and behavioural needs through rigorous assessment, target setting and tracking. 

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Our Partnerships

Southampton Inclusion Partnership (SIP) supports mainstream and special schools to develop provision for pupils with SEND.

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