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Happy Girl


Welcome to the Southampton Inclusion Partnership Outreach Service for SEND.


The service provides a range of support for children and young people with SEND and behavioural needs in mainstream schools and other settings. Our aim is to provide a high quality support service to enable these children and young people to receive a quality education tailored to their individual needs and to strengthen their inclusion within mainstream settings.


Our range of services is detailed and accessible from this website.


We look forward to working with you!


Role of the Service

Our Outreach Service provides support for schools across Southampton in relation to inclusion. It is commissioned by Southampton City Council under a Service Level Agreement and led and managed by Springwell School.  Schools outside Southampton are able to purchase support.  For further information please contact our Outreach Administrator.


  • Outreach Services promote inclusion and improve life chances for vulnerable pupils

  • Specialist teachers are most effective when they demonstrate effective strategies for others to observe

  • Outreach staff provide an understanding of SEND, making a major contribution to pupil progress


(Inclusion: the impact of LA support and outreach services, OFSTED 2005)


The new Code of Practice identifies the following priorities:

  • Early identification of children and young people’s needs and early intervention to support them

  • Need to involve specialists to advise on early identification of SEN and effective support and interventions

  • Involvement of specialists where a pupil continues to make little or no progress over a sustained period despite evidence based SEN support

As such, the Outreach Service for SEND is an integral part of the continuum of support offered to Southampton schools.

Happy Girl with Glasses

Our Aims

  • To provide support and challenge for primary and secondary schools in relation to school improvement and outcomes for children and young peoplewith SEND

  • To provide a flexible and joined up Outreach Service that responds to the overlapping needs of the individual pupil and ensures early intervention

  • To increase the capacity of mainstream schools to develop high quality inclusive practice for pupils with SEND

  • To provide problem solving support to the Primary Heads Inclusion Group (PHIG)

  • To provide opportunities for mainstream staff to observe best practice in relation to SEND


Principles behind referral process and access to service


  • To provide one joined up Outreach Service, led and managed by Springwell School

  • To provide a funded basic entitlement to all schools as part of the local offer

  • To enable schools to drive decision making about prioritisation of referrals

  • To ensure all schools have access to early intervention for identified pupils

  • To provide layers of support to meet the different needs of pupils and schools

  • To provide a flexible range of charges to meet the needs of schools accessing support


Governance of the service, whilst ultimately the responsibility of the LA, is led by Springwell School.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

The service is reviewed annually against performance indicators to ensure service capacity, quality and impact.

All schools are asked to complete an evaluation form at the end of an intervention, in order to provide quality assurance information and enable the service to continue to improve.

Expectations for school receiving support
  • In the case of children with very challenging behaviour, the school will need to have in place a behaviour management plan/risk assessment prior to support as SIP Outreach staff cannot become involved in any form of physical intervention with a pupil

  • Arrange teacher or teaching assistant release time for discussion where appropriate

  • Ensure teaching assistant or teacher is available to work alongside SIP Outreach staff to receive advice and training

  • Develop resources for child/young person based on the examples shown, adapting them as appropriate

  • Release SENCo, teacher and teaching assistant to discuss progress at review meetings

  • Consistently sustain the support systems and strategies suggested by SIP outreach staff between sessions

  • Take responsibility for cascading advice and strategies to other staff members in order to build capacity within school

  • In the event of a cancellation, inform the service as soon as possible

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