Commissioned SEND Support
Our aim is to tailor support to meet your specific needs, offer coaching and mentoring and evaluate for impact.
Our goal is to empower school staff to secure the best quality learning and outcomes for pupils with additional needs or SEND.
​Who for: Mainstream Primary and Secondary Schools, Early Years Providers, Special Schools and Alternative Provision.
By Whom: Experienced SEND Practitioners and Specialists.
Head teacher - Mason Moor Primary School
(Whole school SEND review, Coaching and Strategic Planning)
"The quality of support and credibility of those we worked with motivated and engaged staff to raise their game in an environment that was non-threatening, yet stimulating and challenging"
Examples of how we can offer support
Developing behaviour strategies
Accelerating progress in English and maths for SEND pupils
Conducting a SEND Review to identify strengths and assess areas of development in SEND provision
Developing strategies for pupils with a special educational need such as autism, ADHD
Promoting independence for pupils with additional needs
Developing literacy skills for pupils with literacy difficulties including dyslexia
Developing maths skills for pupils with mathematical difficulties
Developing robust assessment and reporting systems to monitor and track progress for all pupils
Problem solving, coaching and mentoring
Examples of how we can offer support
Deliver staff meetings, twilights and INSET days
Deliver training and consultancy support for teachers and support staff
Review, monitor and evaluate SEND provision and interventions
Offer strategic support and development for leadership teams
Host training in our Community Room (subject to availability)