SEND & Inclusion Conference
The Southampton Inclusion Partnership, in collaboration with the Local Authority and Educational Psychology Service, would like to invite you to its annual conference.
Course Details​
Key Note Speaker - Dr Dave Roberts
"Developing a culture of looking after our staff - it's everyone's responsibility”
A qualified Social Worker and organisational therapist, Dave has worked in residential child care and special schools since the early 1990s. He became head of Mulberry Bush training in 2006, leading them to two National Training Awards, in 2007 and 2012 and a prestigious HRH The Princess Royal Training Award in 2021.
Elliot Nolan - Inclusion Officer – Pupils with Medical Needs
Emotionally Based School Absence
Vermont School
Escalation and the Assault Cycle
Lesley Honour - EP
The Multi Element Approach
Re:Minds is a Southampton based organisation supporting families whose children/young people have Autism, ADHD or other neurodiverse needs and/or mental health needs - with or without a diagnosis.
The Education Psychology Service
Emotional Coaching
Southampton SENDIASS aims to empower children and young people with special educational needs/disabilities, aged 0-25 years old, and their parents/carers to make informed decisions about education, health, and social care. Our role is to provide information, advice, and support to ensure children and young people and their parents/carers understand their legal rights, local processes and policies, their options, and to help them express their views and wishes.
Local LA Update
With your SENCo/Inclusion Lead booking, you are welcome to bring your SEND Governor free of charge. Please ensure your booking is made on the SIP website for each person attending.
This conference will be held at Highpoint Centre, Thornhill, Southampton.

Date & Time
Tuesday 20th June 2023
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
£120.00 per delegate
Who Should Attend
For SENCos, HTs, Inclusion Leads and Governors with a responsibility for SEND
Refreshments & Lunch Included.
Click here for our booking T&Cs